This is me, thinking, about theology, philosophy, and anything in general not related to my main blog about everything else..

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


imagine that electricity through metal is a bunch of people with small containers of "liquid power". every single person here is an electron. these liquid power containers can get filled up or maybe even just filled up halfway. the more full it has the more it sloshes around etc. now these people when they transport this liquid power around, don't always have to go the same speed, they can move fast or slow. they can also send messages up to the front of the queue to tell them to move faster, and they send this message at the speed of light. now the amount of liquid power this man has? that's voltage. the people also have different terrain to walk over, sometimes it's easy and they flow nicely, but sometimes it's not easy and depending on how full the container is they spill some of it out this means different metals have different properties when it comes to moving liquid juice around. we experience that as heat, which is sometimes the intended desire too. the speed at which the people walk about? that's amperage. the walking speed itself can induce more spillage, so consequently lost of speed means lots of heat. if the neighbouring people have more or less liquid power than he does, they all try to even it out. this is explained by the second law of thermodynamics, and it happens at the speed of light. this also explains why the people like to pour out their liquid whenever they have a useful opportunity, but they can't just pour it out for no reason. this liquid power is charged negative - and attracts anything that is + , this is how it can be made into work. sometimes the people are close to other people on a different piece of metal that is not physically touching. the people can't cross the chasm but they can pour their juice over the chasm, and sometimes on one side of the bridge ten people will pour medium filled containers onto five other people's containers that end up twice as full. these ratios can change to whatever you want, and this is the job a transformer does. not the robot kind. direct current aye

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